My class was given an assignment to replicate an object from an image to make into a gradient mesh in Adobe
Illustrator from a photo of our choice to test our skills from class lessons that would help prepare us in making one.

Original Photo-Awkward Turtle

Wireframe of the turtle
I needed to start creating the shapes for each part of the animal to work and manage them individually with tracing out the shapes that were more curved such as the shell, the legs with the pen, and curved pen tool. For the Simpler Shapes like the head using the rectangle tool to create the frame, and creating more anchor points for the ends to make it rounder and match approximately to the photo. Once the shapes were made, using the mesh tool to add points for the mesh that I could use to make it on key points with the lightest to the darkest, including the highlights

Filling In
Now, the the points were all added in the wireframe I had to have two windows opened to check the reference while using the Direct Selection Tool and to select each point and the eyedropper to duplicate the colours for each on the same spot from the original photo as close. I also decided to add a shape in and made it a gradient, also changed the opacity to make it look more like a drop shadow.

Gradient Mesh-Final