Intro to City Shoot
This is one of the school projects that we were assigned to make in photography and I was supposed to create a series of pictures that tells about Toronto outside and so I shot a coherent series of buildings with all kinds of shapes for class that I chose to go with for the project.
This project requires we take at least 40 photographs in downtown and choose our best five selects to edit and then present them to the whole class.
This is the 1st select I chose to work on for the series and this is the new city hall at Nathan Phillips Square.

1st final image
The final image of my 1st print converting it to black and white to focus more on the shapes of the new city hall while changing the exposure and a bit of adjustments, plus cropping out the image.

This is the 2nd select I chose for part of my city shoot series that I took at the old city hall clock tower next to Nathan Phillips Square. ( 10 x 8")

2nd final Image
The 2nd best final image of my series using the same method as before, but I changed the angle a bit to even the balance and make a strong composition.

One of the buildings I chose for my series and this building is by the harbour in downtown and that the message helped to prove a point I was trying to make. ( 8 x 10")

3rd final Image
For the 3rd image I adjusted the lighting just like the other two to focus more on the subject but I also used the clone stamp to duplicate the colour so I could fix up the letters to make it look clearer.

This is my 4th best print of the coherent series of shapes that is across the street from the old city hall next to the new city hall.

4th Final Image
My 4th final image of this building besides the lighting adjustments I used the dodge tool to brighten up the highlight on the building to make it stand out more to capture the shapes.

The last choice I made for the five best prints and this was also south into downtown Toronto.

Last Final Image
My last final image I used the healing brush tool to help get rid of the wires that were blocking the view of the building along with the clone stamp tool to help fix any damages or weird smudges from the healing brush and I also got rid of a bird that was unnecessary to the picture.