To create a Tide ad poster and come up with a target audience that would benefit from it and come up with ideations and a final concept.
Target Audience
I looked for target audiences that would fit the category, within the ages of 20-30 from the project description. She is a Sanitation worker of age 30, lives in Mississauga/Ontario, earns middle income, got a degree in Civil, Environmental Engineering, single mother, divorced, and her background is Canadian. She has a hygienic, uptight, energizing personality, her attitudes usually are confident, courageous, but obsessive when it comes to cleaning that are her values and a healthy life. Her lifestyle is cleaning the house a lot to a compulsive level, her spare time is at home making paintings, exercises almost every morning. That sums up the target audience, now to get into the insight of why they would buy it.


Digital Sketch
Here, I want to go into some detail about issues or stories that convinces them to get the product. A hygienic person determine to cleaning a lot when it comes to clothing in particular. She works in the sanitation services to help others be safe and clean. When working with a lot of dirty material that is not so easy, especially if it takes time and effort to get rid of them. These kinds of jobs require having heavy duty cleaning that benefits the person, that can handle making life a little easier in such a short time. Now, that the insight of the person has been covered, now it is time to talk about the idea and how I plan to execute it.

Initial Prototype

Final Version
I started from 12 rough ideas, to 6, top 3, and then 1 final linear as the best idea and my plan of execution to showcase the idea. The idea shows the “Tide” bottle pull off a stain from a once dirty shirt with its handle as a strong arm. The execution is the bottle, using its handles as if its a strong to remove the stain, showing how powerful it is to be able to perform heavy duty work with relative ease, producing great results. There was the target audience initially in the drawing, smiling in approval of what it can do, but from a feedback, the person did not needed to be in it, during the Photoshop mock up, with more focus on the product, and its strong arm on a table, with an orange gradient background, using the dodge tool to make the light shining down on it, and the burn tool to darken the edges that contrasts the foreground to background. The idea, took quite a bit of trial and error to get a better design, based on feedback, and looking at other tide ads, and other kinds of advertisement.