The mission is to create a gaming app prototype design, that focuses on reviews of them, keeps up to date with news regarding the gaming genre, discussion, with comments to provide feedback on the experience, and also being able to use those functionalities’ in a page that talks about gaming culture. It will be called “DGC” stands for Digital Gaming Central, with the initials as their logo. The other intention is to give the option of bookmarking and adding them to a playlist in a tab called “Saved List” if people want to read them later.

Target Audience

It is towards gamers, who are usually casual just playing it for fun, or those that are deeply invested in knowing of its core elements from game play, concepts, plot, and how it is executed in its own virtual reality. It is targeted toward more of a younger audience that game covers have logos that tell you who its meant for from rated “E” for everyone, plus 10+, T for teen 13 and up, rated “M” for mature 17+. The gaming community is quite diverse to targeting all ages, but in this case it is more recommended for young teens finding some games from different consoles that makes news of gaming more accessible.

Research Methods
The research begins with figuring out what kind of content that gaming review website does and methods to use. One of the first things is looking at the competitors analysis of the game with some descriptions of what it is and the pros and cons of the game like Gamespot, IGN, and Metacritic. From the rating system it determines how good a game is 1-10 based on overall summary thoughts on the game that can also be determined by people’s opinions on the game.

Rough Wireframes

Prototype Testing
For this application will be applied to for people to use on a mobile app for phones to gain easy access even on the go that is quick to receive early updates on gaming, and perhaps latest conference or events coming up. For the main menu, I will have the hamburger menu that is in a single column with a few tabs, of Home, About Us’, a tab called gaming, that will have a dropdown menu showing the next tabs to different pages from reviews, to PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo game consoles to look up, and also a tab that leads to a different page of a list of games depending on the consoles. When the notification button is tapped a dropdown will appear a list of recent news that immediately notifies the user of anything they missed.

Final Design